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Quick Guide to entering - go to the entry system - enter each team member enters individually -

during the entry process  there is a section to add the team name and team details.

School Teams’ Competition, 2024

Information Pack

Saturday, 31st August 2024 / (Postponement/Weather Day: 1st September)

Snow Farm, NZ. 2127 Cardrona Valley Road, Cardrona 9381

The main race for school groups is the 7km.

● Team results will be based on times achieved in the 7km Race Time or 7km Lap time.
● Experienced Cross Country Skiers may ski in the longer distances with permission of their coaches, their 7km times will be counted.

School Teams:

There are three age group categories:
● Under 11’s
● 11-15 Years
● 16-19 Years.

Each category has its own trophy to win.

● School teams must have a minimum of three pupils and there are no gender
● Schools can enter more than one team.
● Teams may expand to up to 5 pupils if there are not enough to form two teams, with the fastest three 7km times counted.
● All competitors must be current members of their school’s roll. Home school students are eligible to form teams.
● Younger students may race in an older category but older students cannot race down a category.

● Team members must have an individual race entry $20 which can be made at There are no extra charges for a team entry.

● All school teams must have an identifier (name) and the pupils linked to that
identifier must be entered into the entry system so we can be certain to link the
times of their best three competitors in each team.

School Representation:

We would like to see teams wearing some form of their school colours. Something simple like a pinned on small ribbon will suffice, but leave that to the school’s judgment.

Some school pupils who can ski but prefer not to do so competitively are welcome to be creative and enjoy the spirit of the Merino Muster in fancy dress for example.

Our race officials have no problem mixing serious with fun. This is the pinnacle event of our season and a celebration of our sport.

Please contact or Phone 021766910 for any further questions regarding school teams.


School teams to be formatted 
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