Merino Muster food handling
Before starting wash hands and sanitise.
Wear provided disposable gloves – we have large that can go over your gloves if you’re outside.
Wear a provided mask or your own and please make sure your nose is covered.
Tongs are provided. Become familiar with using tongs for turning and serving the food.
Keep food in covered containers
Use tongs. Once you get used to using tongs it becomes a habit – I know we have gloves but lets impress the club members as once we’ve made a mistake we can get that one back.
Water Bottles
Supervise people filling their bottles that they don't touch the tap or any part of the container with the rim of their bottle.
We have squeeze bottles – Servers should be adding the condiment _ Mayo, chutney, sauce and of course mustard rather than letting people put their hands on the bottles. (They could have just sneezed into their hand)
Plates etc.
We are using Paper Bag and serviettes – so all good
Hold at the base! Don’t put your fingers on the rim where people drink from.
Thank you for going the extra mile – its important we take mitigating the spread of bugs seriously.